Is it a dog or a floor mop? Publication day for New Beginnings for Bryony Bennett

I know, it's all I've been going on about for weeks, but today is the day, and I'm a tad excited...

I have fizz...

My poor husband has watched, bemused as I put the milk in the cupboard and the cutlery in the fridge. Luckily he made the coffee or goodness knows what we would have ended up with. Gravy granules probably.

Distracted? Moi? Er yes.

It was a big jump for me to embrace this new side of me. And a big leap of faith for Manatee Books to accept it for publication. Thank you Lisa and Liz.

And just to show you I am sort of with it, here's a picture of 

(source pinterest)

and Devon

and last but not least... The buy links here

and .com here

and kisses from me 




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