#MidWeekTease with Lottie admitting something

Hello again.

Weirdly I can get into my photos on here but not on my Raven blog. What is the universe trying to tell me?

Anyhow while I can, and before I'm jinxed here as well, here's this week's #MidWeekTease

Where Lottie tells it all (well nearly)

‘I’m going to cuss the fact I’m carless for a few days I guess, but hey ho. The new me will bite her lip and put up with it.’
Gibb asked the question he was dying to know the answer to.
‘What was the old you then?’
He watched her take a deep breath. ‘A snotty, grotty, up her own self, harridan. I’m not allowed to say cow because my I’m told that’s derogatory to cows. Mind you, I guess bitch falls under the same heading. Let’s say, I was full of my own self importance and didn’t suffer fools or indeed most other people gladly. In my defence I could say I reckon a psychiatrist would have a field day and say something like I was miserable, unhappy with my life and projected that misery onto others. I’d agree I was miserable, but not that others deserved to bear the brunt of it.’
Gibb whistled. ‘Whew, that’s harsh.’
 She shrugged. ‘Harsh but true.’

Catch the other #MidWeekTease posts here

Enjoy your reading,

love Katy xx


  1. Great tease. She certainly has a low opinion of her former self.


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