(not so) #SexySnippets where Maisie has to decide her future

Hello again. It's the day for those seven sentences. #SexySnippets. As mine aren't usually very sexy, I tend to put (not so) 😉 After all, I don't want annoy to feel short changed.

So here's this week's sentences (unedited word vomit from Maisie's Story)

It was all very well falling on her feet like she had, and be told 'here's the job, here's a house and we look forward to seeing you the week before term starts but it was all happening too fast.

Did she really want to exchange exhaust fumes, the smell of the brewery and sirens for fresh air and no noise pollution?

Maisie decided to take a leaf out of her best mate's book and make some lists. For and against. 

And whatever went on them she would not add the vicar. He might be hot as hades and the sort of bloke who could make her purr, but he had to be out of bounds.

After all, with his position in the community—and if she took the job, hers—they couldn't be caught scorching the sheets out of wedlock...could they?

Catch the other #SexySnippets here

Enjoy your reading, until the next blog,

bye for now,

love, Katy xx


  1. Lol, oh I don't know. I bet they could ;-) Fab snippet1

  2. Hahahaha. It'll be fun if they did.


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